The Haighs Aussie Adventure

On the 29th April 2005 the Haighs left the UK to embark on a new beginning in Adelaide South Australia and arrived the 5th May after 4 days in Singapore. This is our web page to show how our journey unfolds. There will be regular photos and updates so keep coming back to look!!! Please feel free to leave comments just click the green link at the end of each post. Happy Reading!!!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Meet Our Bezzie mates!!

As I have said before we have made some FAB mates here. This has made the process so much more enriching to meet friends who you know will be friends for life.

Morag and Alan are our best mates and we love them to bits. Many many a drunken night we have had with them as you can see from the pics!!!

Having such good freinds really is the best feeling, you are all in the same boat as they also emigrated 2 months before us. We met them in the Uk before we left and since being here have been inseperable. They are truly great friends with whom we have so much fun!!!


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