The Haighs Aussie Adventure

On the 29th April 2005 the Haighs left the UK to embark on a new beginning in Adelaide South Australia and arrived the 5th May after 4 days in Singapore. This is our web page to show how our journey unfolds. There will be regular photos and updates so keep coming back to look!!! Please feel free to leave comments just click the green link at the end of each post. Happy Reading!!!

Friday, August 11, 2006

Whale Watching

Well we decided to go visit the whales this year seen as we missed them last year. We went to Basham Beach where the whales were about 30 metres ofshore. It was fabulous and we had hours of fun watching them show off. They migrate here every year to have their babies and stay from May to Oct. It was a wonderful sight to watch these huge creatures so close by.


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