The Haighs Aussie Adventure

On the 29th April 2005 the Haighs left the UK to embark on a new beginning in Adelaide South Australia and arrived the 5th May after 4 days in Singapore. This is our web page to show how our journey unfolds. There will be regular photos and updates so keep coming back to look!!! Please feel free to leave comments just click the green link at the end of each post. Happy Reading!!!

Friday, February 03, 2006

Big Day Out Part 2

So we arrived at the BDO at 11am and said that we would go realy steady with the drink and have coffe for a while as it was too early to start!! well that lasted for all of 2 mins and having to pass the beer tent to get coffee did it for us and we had to succumb to the smell!! Well that was us for the day we just did a 16 hour binge!!!

We met darrens friend nate and his girlfirend and had a ball. I was going mental when franz came on they were the DOGS BOLLOX!!!!! I was screaming and dancing it was great but the Aussies didnt really get them so were a bit reserved really (either that or I was just being a mental person!!!) Iggy pop the old crony was bloody great and for his age he looked well (if not a bit wrinkly!!) and the white stripes were excellent.

We ended up going back to Nate's house for yet more alcoholic substances and finally arrived home about 4.30am and woke next day with a mouth feeling like Ghandi's slipper and the mother of all headaches!!! BRING ON NEXT YEAR!!!!!


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