The Haighs Aussie Adventure

On the 29th April 2005 the Haighs left the UK to embark on a new beginning in Adelaide South Australia and arrived the 5th May after 4 days in Singapore. This is our web page to show how our journey unfolds. There will be regular photos and updates so keep coming back to look!!! Please feel free to leave comments just click the green link at the end of each post. Happy Reading!!!

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Victor Harbour and Granite Island

We decided to visit hisotric Vicotr Harbour and to take a walk along the causeway to a place called Granite Island. The day was really wet and we thought we would have to cancel the trip over to the island as it is uninhabited and very open to the elements. The island is a very lovely place full of native vegetation which the national Trust are conserving. There are lots of interesting facts and stories about this island and it has a very strong Aboriginal heritage attached to it and that was nice to learn about. The rock the kids are stood on is called umberella rock and has been there for thousands of years. The day eventually cleared up and we had a lovely stroll around this very serene and peaceful island which is also home to the little penguins where there are also steps in place to protect and conserve their breeding and habitat. Victor Harbour is an historical town which is famous for the Whales. During may-oct the Southern Right Whale uses Victor Harbour as a breeding ground and where they rear their calves during the winter months. We have not had chance to see this but most certainly will be doing this year as I am told it is a magnificent sight.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Australia Day

So 26 Jan is Australia day and is declared a public holiday with celebrations everywhere. We headed off early morning to the local park area where they were puttin on a free breakfast and Kennadie got her face painted then headed off into the city to Elder Park where they had whole plethora of free entertainment on offer from African tribal bands to irish dancers and it was fantastic and we all had a ball of a time. We only managed about 2 1/2 hours in the city though as the temps that day were unbearable and there was no breeze at all and when there was it was hot. The kids were so uncomfortable Ken was walking around in just her knickers and was still crying with the heat and saying her legs were on fire. So back home to a good dip and play in the pool for the rest of the evening with a good old Aussi barbie!!

Monday, January 23, 2006

Monarto Zoological Park

Well we took a trip out to Monarto today and it was great. It made a nice change to get out in the cooler day today seen as the temps had been around 42 since mum arrived so at 30 today it was ok. Monarto is a safari type park where animals are in kind of reserves without the use of cages as such like normal zoo's. We got to view many animals up front and the giraffe's and lions were my favourites. The day was a long one with the trip around the park taking over an hour and then we had a ppicnic and went walking round the pedestrianised areas of the park. We had such a lovely day and seeing these wonderful creatures up close was amazing and a trip we would deffinatley do again as they are continuously upgrading the park and introducing more animals. One of the best things is that you can actually pay and spend a day there helping the rangers assist the animals or you can have a day specifically with the lions or the cheeta's which I am seriously considering letting Darren buy me!!!!

Friday, January 20, 2006

Mum Arrived

So mum arrived on the 19 Jan 06 and boy were we so pleased to see her. The kids had made her a big banner and were waiting patiently at the airport for her arrival it was so moving. It was very surreal to have her come into our new world where everything is different for her and familiar to us and that was wierd. It did seem like we had only just been drinking coffee together last week back in the Uk when in fact it had been nearly 9 months since we last saw each other. We have loads of things planned to do and I have 3 weeks off work and darren has 2 so we gonna do lots of touristy things which we haven't had chance to do yet so cannot wait!!!

Sunday, January 01, 2006

New Year

So New Years Eve approached and I was dreading it. Usually we spend it with close friends getting very drunk and having a ball. This year we as a family wnet out to a lovely Italian restaurant and it was lovely, the kids were great, the food was fab but my emotions were horrid. We had been invited to some friends to celebrate the New Year but my heart just wasn't in it, I missed my mum and just wanted to be there with her. We went to our friends and the minute I stepped in I knew I didn't want to be there, the kids were not very happy either and darren could feel that things were just not right. We left the party about an hour after we arrived and tried to park at Glenelg where there was a big family celebration on the beach with fireworks and stalls etc but couldn't park so went home. I was in bed at 10/30 and cried myself to sleep. darren woke me up at midnight to wish me happy new year and tell me mum was on the phone but I couldn't talk to her I was too upset.

New years day however was very different I was more positive and called my mum at her midnight and we went to the pics with the kids to see Narnia and had a really lovely day. Came home had a great meal and played games with the kids and spent quality time together. New years day and boxing day were the best 2 days over the holidays and now we have conquered the first xmas in Oz next year we will be more prepared and have a different agenda me thinks!!!

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