The Haighs Aussie Adventure

On the 29th April 2005 the Haighs left the UK to embark on a new beginning in Adelaide South Australia and arrived the 5th May after 4 days in Singapore. This is our web page to show how our journey unfolds. There will be regular photos and updates so keep coming back to look!!! Please feel free to leave comments just click the green link at the end of each post. Happy Reading!!!

Friday, May 05, 2006

Its been 1 year already!

Well 12 months ago we arrived in Adelaide much to the same weather we have today (it is raining)!!! What a whirlwind year it has been though. It feels like we have been here only months however it on the other hand feels like we have been here forever. We have acheived so much in the past 12 months I never though possible. If I was truthfuly honest I dont really know if I even thought we would last here this long.Adelaide is "home" to us now and we are feeling settled however like I have said on many occaisions we may try somewhere different at some point who knows. Do I miss anything? NO!!! apart from my mum and family I can honestly say the only thing that tugs at my heart strings is missing the Lakes however if someone were to gove me a ticket to go back I would politely decline. I love and miss everyone so much but they are all in the exact same place as when we left and I have no desire to go back to the hum-drum of life that once was as I am certainley and extremely different Candice that arrived here last year and dont think I would have the patience for the moaning!!!Family: life is so much more enriched here and we do so much more as a family ad also father/son mother/daughter type stuff too which we never did in the Uk. Financially thngs can be a struggle when all things come at once and with the added expense of migrating it takes a year to become financially stable once again and we are just reaching that nice comfortable point again and can plan for future events etc. Holidays: (what are those!!!) we feel we do not need to go on "holiday" here as we have so much on our doorstep and frequently go away camping for the long weekends and are planning a week in the flinders in August but as for getting on a plane and jetting away to a sandy idylic island now holds no pleasure for me at all. We have the beach here when we want and the hot weather when we want so for us it is a joy when the winter comes when we can use that for our trips and walks which are not fun in the heat.Friends: after being here a year we have now establised a good group of friends both brits and aussies, we have a fantastic social life probably far more than in the uk but also on a different level. We socialise as a family and have only been out 3 times in a year alone which is fine as the kids are older it is easier. Friends are a life saver and also there for sanity (and insanity at times!!) and without them we would really struggle.Work: work for Darren was quick and easy to fiond however for me was a struggle when I really needed it not to be. Darren still struggles with the OH&S stuff at work here as is is different to the Uk. I love my job but struggle with the system here regarding kids and young people there is so much grey matter it is unbelievable. Work culture is VERY different here so be prepared to be confused and also confuse others. Australian work culture is very strange and took me a while to figure it all out but it gets easier with time. My work has gone from strength to strength however and my sheer blunt approach to matters has been noticed and thats what matters!! darren has also progressed in his role too so in that respect things are going great.What now? who knows? every day is different and I still pinch myself at times wondering a) what the hell have we done and b) i cant believe we did it!!! but for now and the forseeable future things are great. Life brings with it many struggles and challenges but it is getting through each of these relativley unscathed that makes the difference and makes us stronger. Migrating has been one of the most stressful events however it has made us closer as a family and I wouldn't change it for the world. Be prepared for the emotional rollercoaster as even after a year there are many ups and downs but we are here and after a year of getting established we can now kick back and enjoy Oz and all she has to offer.

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