The Haighs Aussie Adventure

On the 29th April 2005 the Haighs left the UK to embark on a new beginning in Adelaide South Australia and arrived the 5th May after 4 days in Singapore. This is our web page to show how our journey unfolds. There will be regular photos and updates so keep coming back to look!!! Please feel free to leave comments just click the green link at the end of each post. Happy Reading!!!

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Keiren's 12th Birthday Pool Party

So Keiren decided that he wanted to have a pool party for his 1st Aussie birthday because his birthday is now in spring instead of winter like in the Uk. So we were prepared for 10 12 year old boys and armed with food and drink galore!!!

The boys had a fab time playing in the pool and spa and playing pool and playing games in the pool it was very different to Keiren's normal indoor parties he is so used to having. The weather was not too hot or too cold it was just right and all the kids were so busy having fun they didn't want to go home when their parents came to collect them!!!


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