The Haighs Aussie Adventure

On the 29th April 2005 the Haighs left the UK to embark on a new beginning in Adelaide South Australia and arrived the 5th May after 4 days in Singapore. This is our web page to show how our journey unfolds. There will be regular photos and updates so keep coming back to look!!! Please feel free to leave comments just click the green link at the end of each post. Happy Reading!!!

Thursday, May 19, 2005

2 Weeks in and all is well

Hiya all just an update on how things are going down under for us!! well we been here 2 weeks today and all is well. we have got a couple of cars and kids started school last thurs and absolutley love it. They have made many friends and have settled really well. Darren has got a job and starts on the 30 May and is looking forward to it. I am waiting for my qualifications to be assessed to find out wether or not I need to do something else eg: a course to become qualified as a social worker etc!!! I am ion no rush to find work at the moment though and we have been thinking that I will stay at home with the kids until after xmas and then look for a job. we have found the most amazing house to rent and it is actually a spooky tale. On the 2nd day we arrived we went out looking for cars and we got lost!! we ended up in the hills on a lovely street where we both said we would love to live. The next day i went looking on the net at rental houses and one looked great so when I looked at where it was it was on the exact same street that we got lost on and the best thing is that it has been empty since we moved out of our house in the UK how wierd is that!!! we move into it next fri and even though we will have nothing in it as our furniture doesn't arrive until end June we are not bothered.
The weather here is fab it is winter next week and the coldest day we have had has been 20 degrees they do say it is unusual at this time of year and they are in dire need of rain for the farmers to plant next years crops but hey I am not complaining!!! Adelaide is a truly wonderful place and a very vibrant city. We both feel very settlerd here already and have deffo made the right decision. even the kids have said they don't feel as if we are in australia as it is very similar to uk as in driving and language etc but is very different in a lot of ways too.
We are due to get our much loved Sasha back on saturday and we are all really excited about it as it means we aree all here and complete but we have missed her so very much (well me especially anyway!!)


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