The Haighs Aussie Adventure

On the 29th April 2005 the Haighs left the UK to embark on a new beginning in Adelaide South Australia and arrived the 5th May after 4 days in Singapore. This is our web page to show how our journey unfolds. There will be regular photos and updates so keep coming back to look!!! Please feel free to leave comments just click the green link at the end of each post. Happy Reading!!!

Thursday, May 05, 2005


So we finally arrived in Adelaide after 4 wonderful days in Singapore. Adelaide is absolutley lovely and I have fallen in love with the place immediatley!!! We had a long and tiring flight here but it was well worth it. We are in temporary accomodation at the moment but have rental properties lined up to view so hopefully we will be in our own house soon. We have just biught our first car a bule Holden Jackaroo 3.5 V6!! it is like a tank but it is what everyone drives here nd it is great!!! The kids will soon be starting school and hopefully Darren will get a job soon!! All is great and we are all settling well!!!


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