The Haighs Aussie Adventure

On the 29th April 2005 the Haighs left the UK to embark on a new beginning in Adelaide South Australia and arrived the 5th May after 4 days in Singapore. This is our web page to show how our journey unfolds. There will be regular photos and updates so keep coming back to look!!! Please feel free to leave comments just click the green link at the end of each post. Happy Reading!!!

Tuesday, July 05, 2005


Ok so have been here 2 months now and thought I would update my blog and post on here to let you all know how things are going here for us.
Our container arrived on mums birthday 24th June and it was bliss to have our things around. The kids were so happy to see their familiar toys and stuff Kennadie even cried to be reunited with her beloved poo bear which she hasn't daparted with from birth and has travelled all over the worl with her, was accidentally packed by the shippers!!! It has taken over a week to unpack and distribute all our belongings and boy it is not an easy task but the house is finally taking on the form of our own.
Being reunited with your belongings does give you some sort of grounding and familiarity and helps you to feel normal again and not like some kind of hobo wandering aimlessley with no belongings and no home!!! The kids are now well embedded in school and have an established group of friends but alas no Aussie accent (I think thats my fault though telling them to talk propper english!!!) Darren is really enkoying his job and has now been doing bits of overtime to boost back up the savings we spent when we arrived.
So life in Adelaide is very nice, the people are friendly and always willing to help you with anything. We came here with no pre-conceived ideas and decided to tske Adelaide for what it offered and that is a good laid back lifestyle. However there are downsides as they are anywhere and the biggest surprise is the actual cost of day to day living. Shopping bills are roughly $250 per week, yes petrol is cheaper but I do 60k a day so have to fill up my car every week so it works out the same as home. The kids go to private school and yes I know we have to pay fees but when all bills fall on your rug at once with only 1 wage coming in you do get into panic mode. I know things will ease off and the spending of non=essential items will decrease and I hope it is bloody soon!!!!
So it is winter here and we have had a couple of weeks where the weather has been abysmall with torrential downpours but the past few days have been about 18 degrees and pleasant. What we didn't realise that as we are living in the hills it gets bloody freezing at night and I have been going to bed in fleecy pj's and bed socks LOL!!!!!
As for me well what can I say I have had a few down days but thats to be expected and its not the fact that I miss home and family etc is is basically the fact that I miss my independance, I miss work, adult conversation, using my brain, doing a days work where I feel satisfied and fulfilled, talking to people about things non child/wife related, being me just me!!!!! I think in reality the though of not working till after xmas is sheer bliss but living it here in reality is bloody painfull!!!!! The job market here for my work is very thin and kinda insular saying that they are a small team and no vacancies etc no encouragement no advice etc. Have applied for a number of jobs but as I am not a qualified social worker it is hard to get an interview. But never mind something will come along when it time.
Well thats all now folks until the next installment so keep checking back for more updatesThe Haighs on TourXXXXXXXXXXXXX


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